The know-how of Meije development is combined with the business expertise of its partners depending on the project: engineering, nuclear, low-carbon energies and CSR.

Know-how and expertise

He began his professional career at EDF, notably as Head of the Engineering and Equipment Department and at the Delegation for Industrial Installations (DII), in 5 main areas of activity:

_ building major IT projects,
_ building nuclear power plants,
_ converting industrial sites, personnel and territories,
_ developing employment, spin-offs, SMEs and the solidarity economy,
_ representing EDF in the Champagne-Ardenne region for all of its businesses.

He managed subsidiary companies of the EDF Group, in particular SAFIDI (Société d’Aide au Financement du Développement Industriel), and chaired the Fondation Agir pour l’Emploi des agents EDF et Gaz de France (responsible for reintegration assistance and the solidarity economy).

Gerard de Giovanni,
founder of Meije development

Meije Developement

Today he manages Meije development, where he has led more than ten projects for various clients: AMG/ALD, Stucky, Instream energy, Semaphores, Oxand, Nudec, SNC Lavalin, etc

Partner expertise